Resharper 4.0 Live Template for BDD/TDD with NUnit

I'm no BDD Guru, but here is the way I currently specify my Behaviors/Tests with AAA Syntax.

I'm not convinced that my way of BDD is exactly the most appropriate way (I still have a notion of implementation in there, not just behaviors). But I still think it's much better than the old TDD approach.

Here's an example of it:

public class TwitterTimeLineServiceTest
        public class BehaveLikeTwitterTimeLineService
            public BehaveLikeTwitterTimeLineService()
                TwitterTimeLineServiceUnderTest = new TwitterTimeLineService();

            protected ITimeLineService TwitterTimeLineServiceUnderTest { get; set; }

        public class WhenConnectedToRealDeal : BehaveLikeTwitterTimeLineService
            protected IList<ITweet> ActualNewTweets;
            public void Context()
                this.ActualNewTweets = TwitterTimeLineServiceUnderTest.FindNewTweets();

            public void ShouldReturnSomeTweets()
                Assert.Greater(0, this.ActualNewTweets.Count, "no public tweets found. Doesn't sound right, does it?");

and the Resharper 4.0 Live Template for it, I named it ‘BehaviorTest’.

If you want to use them ctrl + alt + space + ‘BehaviorTest’ or ctrl + e, ctrl l + ‘BehaviorTest’ if you're using VS key layout.

namespace $NameSpace$
	using NUnit.Framework;

    public class $ClassName$Test
        public class BehaveLike$ClassName$
            protected I$ClassName$ $ClassName$UnderTest { get; set; }

            public BehaveLike$ClassName$()
                $ClassName$UnderTest = new $ClassName$();

        public class When$Context$ : BehaveLike$ClassName$
            public void Context()
            public void Should$Expectation$()