Running ASP.Net MVC Beta on

Last year, it takes abit of a hack to run mvc application on But those days are now gone.
You can now have full url routing. gone are the days when you have to call the controler Home.mvc.aspx!

The steps are straightforward

  1. Include the 3 mvc dll into the deployment
    To do that, in the mvc web app project, expand the references node
    open up the properties tab on these 3 dlls, and select copy local: true

    1. system.web.abstractions
    2. system.web.mvc
    3. system.web.routing

  2. Upload the mvc web app to
  3. Login to admin tool, configure the folder as a web app as normal
    (Web application tool, create application)
  4. Under IISTool. Confirm that you are running IIS integrated mode rather than classic mode.

  5. You now should have mvc beta web app running on discount

Tried and tested with 3.5 SP1, MVC Beta web application shared hosting running .net 3.5 SP1

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